James H. Osborne - Combatting Depression

When I had reached four months post-injury I suffered the equivalent of a second “crash, although this time it was a mental crash. Due to a confluence of circumstances I found myself sliding backwards, losing the hard-fought gains I had made and a marked worsening of symptoms including pain and spasticity. So much so that I became reclusive, not wanting to see anyone or do anything. I was ashamed of myself. I became a couch potato and clock watcher, buried in my mind with dark thoughts including how I might end my life. My life was in a delicate place. Recognizing the severity of my depression, a first in my life, I sought out my SCI physician Barry Goldstein, MD. His kind and understanding eyes told me what I needed to hear - I was going to be ok - but some things were going to need to change going forward. Medication management was one change. Therapeutic changes was another. Most significantly was the love and commitment of my family, especially my wife Diane who stayed by my side and continued to love me. There were other things that helped in this “second’ recovery journey. Though difficult I forced myself to become more socially engaged, despite the pain and shame. I became more involved in community, especially at the gym, which being around like-minded athletes helped lift me up. Going back to work, even at limited part-time hours began to reconnect me to some sense of purpose. My new therapeutic interventions involved being connected with a terrific PT practitioner, Chris, and two amazing pool therapists, Linda and Debbie. Their positive energy was a huge factor in helping re-right my mental state and helped me resume my recovery journey.

